Online The Lung Circulation Pathologic Physiology And Therapy Of Diseases 1965

Online The Lung Circulation Pathologic Physiology And Therapy Of Diseases 1965

by Archie 3.7

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    A Little About Myself...
    I really enjoy computers and teaching others how to use computers. Every day I try to learn something new about them. Whether it's something about web page design or a new software or hardware release, there's always something new to investigate.

    My background varies from programming to consulting to training, and culminates here at BC3 teaching computer-related courses to lots of different people. I'm primarily responsible for the Web Design Specialist Degree, but I love the diversity of classes!

    Education and learning is a big part of life - period. As I mentioned earlier, I am always looking and learning. Formally, though, I have an A.A.S. from BC3, a BSIT from Slippery Rock University, and completed my MSCIT from Regis University in 2009 with an emphasis in database and systems design. I am currently working on my MBA with an emphasis in Marketing to help identify ways websites work as a marketing tool for businesses. Seminars and lectures, web-inars and newsgroups are also a part of my learning. I hope you begin to develop a network of your own learning places - a collection of tools and people that can help you over the humps in your computer career.

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